What a better time to make a blog entry than when we are dealing with an integration? Maybe when we actually know what we're doing. This is definitely not that time.
We've delt with a few integration in the past. Caliper is the result of one. Basil is the result of two. Sun and Moon are both the result of one and then another to form a subsystem. Arch is the result of two. Or was. I'm not sure yet. Arch has requested to attempt to disintegrate one of his previous integrands from himself. This is possible, but it's not something we've attempted before. Our neighbours (another system with a similar headspace to ours. If they're reading this right now: Hi! We miss you! Sorry we're bad at sending messages as always) has given us a guide on how to preform an "Un-Integration" as they call it. I find "Disintegration" funnier, so I'm calling it that until somebody stops me. They do suggest in their guide not to do this if we haven't tried another option they mention, but Arch has been dealing with these same problems since his last integral, so... We're taking his word for this being what he needs. From what we've gathered from re-reading their guide, though, is that the way we want to execute this is a bit different from what they recommend doing. We intend for Arch and his integrand, Kunimi, to share one headspace within ours. We hope to make them a system, essentially. We don't believe Kunimi to ever be stable enough to exist on his own again, and we don't believe Arch to be confident enough without Kunimi's influence to exist as well. However, we do recognize that Kunimi's influence as it is currently is incredibly detrimental to Arch. So, we are attempting to do it this way instead. How we will do it? We surely will find out.
According to the guide, we are supposed to have three locations for the (dis)integration. Since we're hoping to only have one "body" out of this, we've been just telling Arch to visualize two locations in his own mind. Will this help? Who knows. Next on the guide is to essentially sort out Kunimi from Arch. This part is relatively simple. The integration between Kunimi and Devon to make Asmodai was primarily Kunimi in result. So, to distinguish Kunimi from Arch is to find what is him and what isn't Lore, the alter who integrated with Asmodai to make Arch. We aren't to separate the traits (or other qualities), just... Notice them. Our neighbours said to visualize it like separate layers, but Uziel has found visualizing it as a highlighted section is faster for em. This part, according to Uziel, might take the longest. We aren't sure how much of Kunimi is left after two integrations, so we have to be thorough. The other difficult part, again, is the fact that Arch has to visualize this to some extent as well to fully execute the subsystem result he wants. To do this, Kristofer has been saying aloud what Uziel has been doing to Arch, so he can picture it in his mind.
After this, will be the fast, but far more difficult part of actually pulling Kunimi and Arch apart. Our neighbours describe this as essentially physically pulling the traits of each alter away from the other. We've tried something similar to that before with fixing an integration for Caliper, but the visualization was a bit different. We've visualized it as somewhere between a tug-of-war and... Jumping on a trampoline at the same time as somebody else, for lack of a better example? The earth moves beneath you, and you can easily fall out of time with it and slam your ass onto the floor. We can tug their qualities apart, but maintaining the pull is difficult, because if we slip at all, we fall on our asses. So to speak. The difference between what we did for Caliper and what we're doing for Arch, though, is we just let go and let the qualities snap back, while with Arch we have to do it significantly faster so they snap apart.
A potential outcome that our neighbours have warned us of is having a derivative of the disintegration. We're essentially hoping for this. Ideally, the derivative in this disintegration will be the "body" for Kunimi and Arch. The derivative is supposed to have, according to our neighbours, the traits both integrands shared with each other as well as the memories of the longer existing integral (we're unsure if this will be Asmodai or Arch, really).
Either way, this process will take a while. I intend to check back in once Uziel has finished separating their qualities to see where we are at that point.
Anyway, I'll ask Xihuitl or Belial to try to post another entry tomorrow to explain how the rest of the disintegration went. Until then, I'm going to get the body to bed. Goodnight.